
***Our Wonderful Followers!!***

***Welcome To My New Followers, So Glad To Have You! For The Ones Who Have Been Here Awhile, Thank You So Much For Your Support, It Is So Much Appreciated!***
Big Hugs To You All, Mary Ann

Welcome To My Blog!!

Hi, Thanks For Stopping By, And Welcome To My Blog. Hope You Will Find Something Here That You Will Like. There Is Certainly A Lot Here, All Of The Designs I Have Made In The Last Three Years Are Still On The Blog (If You Find Bad Links Send A Message To My E-Mail ( And I Will Fix It ASAP.) And The Best News Is That Everything Here Is Free!! Please Just Read My TOU Before Using, And If You Still Have Questions Don't Hesitate To E-Mail Me. Thanks So Much, Big Hugs, Mary Ann

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Kit For You Today--It Is For Personal Use Only Please

Good Morning Everyone!!! I Have A New Garden Kit For You Today, I Hope You Will Like It!! And Make Beautiful Layouts, Cards, Tags Or Whatever You Make , Just Enjoy Creating With It!! Have A Wonderful Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann **Special Thanks To Jenny's Art For Some Of The Tubes I Used!!** She Does Beautiful Work--Her Blinkie Is Under "Thanks And Credit" On My Sidebar***
Download Here.

Kit Part1--Personal Use Only Please

**Special Thanks To Jenny's Art For Some Of The Tubes I Used!!** She Does Beautiful Work--Her Blinkie Is Under "Thanks And Credit" On My Sidebar***
Download Here.

Frames--Personal Use Only Please

***Here Are The Frames***
Download Here.

Papers--Personal Use Only Please

***All Papers Are In The Same Download***
Download Here.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Page Tiki Made For Me

This Is A Page Made For Me By My Special Friend Tiki, Thanks So Much Hun, It Is Absolutely Beautiful, and I Am Proud To Be Your Special Friend!!! Hugs, Mary Ann

2 New QP's For You

Good Morning Everyone, Hope You Had A Great Weekend. I Have 2 New QP's For You Today, Hope You Will Like Them! Have A Great Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

QP #2

***Personal Use Only Please*** Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Got You Some More New Frames--Well Same Frame--Different Color & Decos!!

So Sorry About The Problems With The Frames, Should Be Okay Now, Thanks Ladies For Letting Me Know!! Hugs, Mary Ann Good Morning Everyone, Guess It Must Be Frame Week Here At Creative Elegance Designs, I Have 2 More For You Today, Well, Actually, They Are The Same Frame, Just 2 Different Looks!!! Enjoy, And Use For Personal Use Only Please. Have A Great Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

The Other Frame For Today

Please Enjoy And Use For Your Own Personal Use Only, Thanks So Much, Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New QP For You Today!!

Good Morning Everyone, Hope You Had A Wonderful Weekend!! I Have A New QP For You, Hope You Like It, And After I Finished The QP, I Decided To Decorate The Frame I Made For It, For You, Actually I Decorated It Twice, Couldn't Decide Which I Liked Better So I Decided To Just Give You Both!! The Beautiful Template I Used To Make This (The Unbrella, Hearts, And Clouds) Was From Dreamland Designs ( Thanks So Much!! Hope You Enjoy Creating With It!! Have A Great Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Freebie Frames For You--Personal Use Only Please

I Made The Frame To Go With The QP, But Then I Thought I Would Decorate it And Offer It Also. Actually, I Decorated It Two Different Ways So If You Don't Like One, Maybe You Will Like The Other!! Well, I Hope So Anyway!! The Decorations On The Frames Are From, If You Haven't Checked Her Out, Believe Me You Want To--She Does Beautiful Work, And I Appreciate Her Giving Me Permission To Use Her Beautiful Work On My QP's And Frames. Happy Creating!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Another New Frame For You

Personal Use Only Please:
Download Here.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

My First Award!!

This Is What My Special Friend Tiki Made Me Using My New Kit, Thanks So Much Hun!!! I Am Very Proud Of Her, She Just Started Using PSP About A Month Ago, And She Has Worked Real Hard To Learn To Do This!! Great Job Hun, (Might Have Looked A Little Better Without The Ugly Picture In It!!LOL) Just Kidding, I Appreciate My First Award Very Much, And I Appreciate Your Support And Loyalty!! Big Hugs, Mary Ann This Is What My Special Friend Tiki Made Me Using My New Kit, Thanks So Much Hun!!! I Am Very Proud Of Her, She Just Started Using PSP About A Month Ago, And She Has Worked Real Hard To Learn To Do This!! Great Job Hun, (Might Have Looked A Little Better Without The Ugly Picture In It!!LOL) Just Kidding, I Appreciate My First Award Very Much, And I Appreciate Your Support And Loyalty!! Big Hugs, Mary Ann

Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Child's QP & Tags For You--Personal Use Only Please.

Hello Everyone, Hope You Are Having A Wonderful Weekend!! I Have Made A Child's Quick Page & Tags For You (They Are Both In The Same Link, So When You Download You Will Get Both Of Them). The Frames And Decoration That I Used For This Page Was From My Friend, Funkie, From Wishing On A Starr Designs. (Link Below) My Very First Follower When I Started My Blog!! I Tried For Days To Find The Information About How To Put Links On My Blog From 4-Shared, I Couldn't Find It Anywhere, And If It Is At 4-Shared, I Couldn't Find It, But In Desperation, I Turned To A Group I Was In And Ask For Help, She Not Only Helped Me, She Actually Made Me A Little Tutorial With Screen Shots, And Gave Me The Code You Have To Use To Put The Download Links On Your Blog. She Is A Very Sweet Lady, And Has A Beautiful Blog, That You Won't Want To Leave When You Get There, And She Does Beautiful Work, And Gives Away Beautiful Freebies! ( Thanks Funkie!! And I Hope You All Like The Quick Page!! Happy Creating!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.
***QP And Tags Are In Same Download***

Friday, July 9, 2010

Some Papers For Kit 1

Good Morning All, I Had Someone Suggest That The Kit Needed Some Pretty Papers To Go With It, So I Made Some, I Hope They Qualify As Pretty!!LOL The Downloads For My Accent Kits Are So Much Higher Than The Papers And Frames So I Thought I Would Just Concentrate More On Accents, But I Was Glad To Do The Papers For You All Too, Hope You Like Them!! Thanks So Much For All The Wonderful Comments!! I Appreciate Them So Much!! Have A Great Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kit In Honor Of My Followers & Supporters--PU Please

Hello Everyone!! These Are 2 Mini-Kits That I Made To Honor My Wonderful Followers, I Appreciate You Guys So Much!! I Am So Proud To Say I Have 40 Now, And Not One Single One Of Them Is Someone I Knew Before Starting The Blog!! Nothing Makes Me Happier Than To Get On The Blog And See That I Have A New Follower!! So This Kit Is Especially For You!! However, I Have Many Other People Who Follow Me, Not Through A Blog, But Through Their Computers And They Visit Me Often, And Leave Nice Comments, And The Same Appreciation And Respect Go Out To Each Of You, And These Kits Were Made In Your Honor As Well!!! If It Wasn't For You All, For The Support You Show Me, And The Encouraging Comments You Leave Me, I Wouldn't Be Here Doing What I Do. I Will Tell You A Little Secret, When I Started This, I Planned To Offer Some Freebies But To Eventually Start Selling My Work, And I Did Put Up Some Easter Kits For Sale, And They Did Pretty Good, But When I Got My Cash From Paypal For Them, And They Had Taken 70% Of It For Their Fees, I Said The Heck With That! But You All Gave Me The Inspiration And Motivation To Want To Do My Work And Share It Freely, And I Get Great Satisfaction Out Of Doing It, As Long As You Let Me Know You Use It, And It Is Appreciated. From The Bottom Of My Heart I Thank You Each And Everyone!! Big Hugs, To All Of You!!! Now, It Was My Intention To Put A Password On These Kits, Which I Was Going To Pass On To My Followers/Supporters Where They Would Be Able To Download These Kits. Unfortunately, I Have Tried For Days To Do This, And I Know I Am Doing It Correctly, But Dumb Old 4-Shared Makes All My Files Password Protected, When I Try To Put A Password On One. And No One Can Download Anything On The Blog. So I Don't Know What Else To Do Except Go Ahead And Let Everyone Download It-But, It Was Make In Honor Or My Followers And Supporters, And If You Aren't One, I Would Love It If You Might Consider Becoming One. Also If You Would Like To Do Something Nice For Me **I Would Love It If You Would Add My Blinkie To Your Blogs, And/Or Leave Me A Comment, My Blog Comments Are Working Now, Or You Can Leave Them In MY CBox Or E-Mail, Or 4-Shared. Love To Hear From You And I Do Appreciate All Of You!!! So Hope You All Enjoy It!! Hugs, Mary Ann
Download Here.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Download Here.

Blog Comments

My Blog Comments Finally Decided To Start Working!! So You Have Another Option For Leaving Me Comments Besides The Cbox, Email, or 4-Shared!! Hope You All Had A Wonderful Holiday Weekend!! Hugs, Mary Ann

2nd Part Of Kit ****Download Link At Top****

**Personal Use Only Please** I Don't Know Why It Put The Download Link At The Top--I Didn't Do Anything Different! Download Here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Poem By Tiki

This Is A Little Poem Written For Me By My Special Friend Tiki, Thanks Hun!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Complaint About My Work

To "Anonymous" Who Complained That My Work Was Not The Quality It Should Be, Don't Worry Hun, I Will Give You A Complete Refund!!! Have A Wonderful Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann