
***Our Wonderful Followers!!***

***Welcome To My New Followers, So Glad To Have You! For The Ones Who Have Been Here Awhile, Thank You So Much For Your Support, It Is So Much Appreciated!***
Big Hugs To You All, Mary Ann

Welcome To My Blog!!

Hi, Thanks For Stopping By, And Welcome To My Blog. Hope You Will Find Something Here That You Will Like. There Is Certainly A Lot Here, All Of The Designs I Have Made In The Last Three Years Are Still On The Blog (If You Find Bad Links Send A Message To My E-Mail ( And I Will Fix It ASAP.) And The Best News Is That Everything Here Is Free!! Please Just Read My TOU Before Using, And If You Still Have Questions Don't Hesitate To E-Mail Me. Thanks So Much, Big Hugs, Mary Ann

Friday, July 2, 2010

Complaint About My Work

To "Anonymous" Who Complained That My Work Was Not The Quality It Should Be, Don't Worry Hun, I Will Give You A Complete Refund!!! Have A Wonderful Day!! Hugs, Mary Ann


Laura said...

There seems to be a lot of that going around lately. Personally I think that people should be grateful that you are kind enough to give your things away. I love your response though.

Anonymous said... told her!!! Love your work, thanks for all past and future freebies!

Unknown said...

Great response!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your lalents with those of us who can create such lovelies.

Anonymous said...

Someone doesn't know what they are talking about! I love your work and I thank you for your generosity in allowing us access to your free work. I personally cannot afford to pay for art that I'd like to use because I am on Social Security Disability and my funds are very limited.

Don't let an "azzhat" spoil your enthusiasm!! We love you!!