
***Our Wonderful Followers!!***

***Welcome To My New Followers, So Glad To Have You! For The Ones Who Have Been Here Awhile, Thank You So Much For Your Support, It Is So Much Appreciated!***
Big Hugs To You All, Mary Ann

Welcome To My Blog!!

Hi, Thanks For Stopping By, And Welcome To My Blog. Hope You Will Find Something Here That You Will Like. There Is Certainly A Lot Here, All Of The Designs I Have Made In The Last Three Years Are Still On The Blog (If You Find Bad Links Send A Message To My E-Mail ( And I Will Fix It ASAP.) And The Best News Is That Everything Here Is Free!! Please Just Read My TOU Before Using, And If You Still Have Questions Don't Hesitate To E-Mail Me. Thanks So Much, Big Hugs, Mary Ann

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Bad Year For Us

Hi Everyone, I Know This Year I Post For Awhile, Then Gone For Awhile. This Had Been One Heck Of A Year For Us. I Have Had Numerous Health Problems, Once I About Get Over One, There Is Something Else. Now It Is My Husband. He Has Always Been Healthy, In Our 36 Years Of Marriage, He Has Had The Gout, And Pneumonia, But Otherwise Healthy, But In May He Got Struck Down By 2 Strokes, He Started Taking Better Care Of Himself, And We Thought It Wouldn't Happen Again. But It Did, He Was Struck Down Again This Weekend With Two More. These Are Light Strokes, But The Thing Is That They Are Usually Warnings Of A Much More Serious One To Come. We Have Been Married 36 Years In November, I Just Don't Know What I Would Do If Something Happened To Him, It Scares Me To Death To Think About It. I Don't Make A Habit Of Writing About My Personal Life That Much In The Blog, But Thought I Should Let You Know That I Haven't Just Stopped Caring About The Blog, And All My Special Friends Out There. And I Do Consider You Special Friends, I May Not Be Able To See You Or Here Your Voice Speaking To Me, But I Don't Have To Have That, Just The Kind Comments You Leave For Me Mean So Much, And I Have Special Feelings For You. I Even Get Worried If I Don't Hear From The Ones That Usually Leave Messages. Thank You All From The Bottom Of My Heart, And If You Are A Believer, And Wouldn't Mind Saying A Prayer For My Tom, I Just Can't Tell You How Much It Would Mean To Me. I Know That I Am Not The Only One Having Problems, We All Go Through Them, And A Lot Of You Are Going Through Much More Than I Am--I Just Thought I Should Try To Explain Why My Posts Have Been Erratic On The Blog This Year. To All Our Followers And Facebook Likes, And E-Mail Followers, Thank You, You Keep My Going When I Feel Like Giving Up!! As Well As All The Comments Left!! Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart!! I Love You Each And Everyone!!! God Bless You And Big Hugs To You All!! Mary Ann


Anonymous said...

Prayers going up for your dear hubby, and for you. I'm so sorry you are going through this stressful time! Hugs & Prayers Sandie

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up for your dear hubby, and for you. I'm so sorry you are going through this stressful time! Hugs & Prayers Sandie

HappyScreens said...

You and your husband have my prayers and wishes for the strength to get through these rough patches and for very good times in the years ahead. LOL

dony dony said...

Hola amiga .
Queria acompaƱarte en este momento y toda fuerza ,todo saldra bien .
Estaran en mis rezos para Tom pediremos por el junto a mi familia.
saludos :)
Donny = Maria Esther =
desde ARgentina

Anonymous said...

Blessing to you both may all of our prayers come your way for a speedy recovery to your hubby and prays for you and the family as well big hugs to you and your family and an extra big hug for you Nana Kat